There was a time when printed newspapers and magazines were the only way to get news about your company out there. Today, publicity is almost always achieved through online efforts.
Although we were already solidly into the Digital Revolution, Covid-19 sped up the process. Suddenly almost everyone became a shut-in. Doctors offices stopped placing magazines in waiting rooms. My dogs' vet clinic threw away all literature, and people everywhere were reluctant to pick up magazines or newspapers.
That's why the publicity world – both for journalists and publicists alike – is changing so much. But while it's changed for the better in a number of ways, it's also changed for the worse.
What? How could publicity possibly change in a way that makes it worse?
Well, like with anything else – there are pros and cons with this new technology. One of the biggest differences between publicity then and publicity now is how you're going to get the message out there. Anyone that has spent time on the internet knows that volume and clutter are both increasing.
In 2021, you can't just throw your message out there on any old platform. The days of putting a few words into an email to sending a note to a reporter are gone. As more people/companies vie for the same consumers, you must become distinctive.
This is why you need a professional publicity agency by your side - One that can help you build your publicity, promote it to the right reporters, and get as many eyes on what you're doing as possible.
What does a top quality publicity campaign look like?
The first step in any strategy is planning: What are your goals for publicity? It's important to identify what exactly you want before moving forward. If you're unsure, you can always get in touch with us so that we can work through it together. Once you have a publicity strategy for achieving your goals, it's important that you follow through with the plan.
Don't just do one publicity campaign and then disappear! When you come up with a solid publicity plan, commit to sticking to it. Include activities like scheduling interviews, going on podcasts/radio shows, maintaining an active social media presence, and communicating consistently with your target audience through news articles and email newsletters. Publicity is an ongoing investment.
Covid-19 has changed the publicity world. Today, publicity can be far more competitive. But that competition also means publicity is more effective than ever! Demand has never been higher.
To learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals for publicity, contact us today. You'll be glad you did!